Business Consultancy and Training

In house and online training - building business skills

Learning & Development – successful organisations rely on the quality and skills of their people.  We have extensive experience helping organisations and individuals maximise personal development.

We are registered providers of the Insights methodology and have used this in training and coaching throughout the islands and in Europe.

If you want the benefits of accredited training we are an Approved Endorsed and Development provider for the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).

..... and if you need to train staff in the Jersey Discrimination Law we, in association with Lambert Legal, are able to provide online video training giving you and your staff the flexibility to complete this in house

For more more information on all of the above select Training and Coaching


Consultancy, Project Delivery and Support - helping you deliver change

Consultancy – When you need external support, an external view or independent facilitation we are able to help. We provide independant support including assistance wth HR delivery as well as reviews of organisation structures, board effectiveness review, 360 degree review and facilitation.

For more information select Consultancy

Projects – Successful project delivery is at the heart of delivering Change. If you are undertaking projects and need additional support during one stage or through the whole project lifecycle, We have over 16 years experience helping businesses deliver projects at all stages - from idea through implementation. We have experience working with many methodolgies including PRINCE2 and are able to provide Project Management and Business Analysis to support you in your projects.

For more information select Projects

For more information call 01534 853200 or email